Some raw materials used in calf milk replacement manufacture are from “out of specification” food grade products.
Whole milk powder is subject to variations in manufacture. For example, protein has a variance range of between 24-28%. Fat percentages may vary similarly. Therefore, it can be difficult to be exact with percentages of fat, protein and lactose, hence the term “typical analysis” is used, as opposed to maximum and minimum percentages.
A variation of a couple of percent either way is not critical for rearing calves, and enables Ngahiwi to meet its “fit for purpose” criteria.
Ngahiwi uses a comprehensive premix inclusion to supplement the essentials for healthy young calves. However, a calf’s outcome is primarily dependent on colostrum intake in the first 24 hours of life, irrespective of any rearing program. Good management and excellent husbandry are essential parts of the equation also!
Ngahiwi is a responsible manufacturer with excellent backup and offers you telephone and email troubleshooting support.
"I have used Ngahiwi’s Calf Milk Replacer for 20 seasons rearing thousands of calves in that time. The product mixes easily and my young calves thrive. Ngahiwi contains as a standard, prebiotics, probiotics and a coccidiostat. Excellent product!"
Chris Coxhead
Bull Farmer, Waitakaruru
John Hathaway
Businessman and Dairy Farmer (Reporoa)
"The kids are fantastic and thrived from day 1. We can safely say that Ngahiwi Premium Powder with all the goodies added is the best product we have used and it sure made kid rearing a breeze"
Deb Henson
Rearing 400 kids (Feilding)
"I rear over a thousand calves a year and always use Ngahiwi to supplement a liquid whole milk rearing program. I like the product, service and good value of their powder. All that you need - a premix, prebiotic, probiotic and coccidiastat, is in the powder. No need to buy expensive extras."